With unwanted body hair always fought, so a variety of sources you can find a variety of recipes for their removal. With regard to their effectiveness, we think that this is strictly an individual process, but try at least some of the costs to determine which method is best suited for you.

How to get rid of body hair folk remedies

The mixture of excess body hair.

Try unwanted hair from this recipe: 35 g of the alcohol mix, 5 g of ammonia, 1.5 g of iodine, 5 g of castor oil and lubricating "problematic" Slot 2 times per day. After a few treatments painless hair fall out.

Sugar unnecessary tendrils.

In a metal cup to pour 1 tsp without top sugar, moisten with water (0.5 tsp) and put on a small fire. Boil until the disappearance of the crystals. Then squeeze the juice from the lemon and pour into a warm mixture of 1 tsp Cook until dark brown. Collect 1 ch.spoon this weight on the plate, it immediately freezes solid done. At the same pan pour 3 tsp water, collect it in a syringe or a small enema and this water to humidify the frozen mass on a plate. Index finger to rub this mixture into the fibrous place. Spread the morning and evening hours on unnecessary hair 2, then rinse. To do so permanently. The result will be: will bleaching hair, thin and will grow more slowly.

Hydrogen peroxide of unwanted hair.

A mixture of 1% hydrogen peroxide ch.l.6 1 tsp liquid soap and 5 drops of ammonia. The emulsion is applied on the scalp skin for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with chamomile tincture. The procedure was done 1 time per week in the evening. Hair brighten, thinning and will slowly grow.

Editor Review: A good recipe for people who have unwanted hair thin and soft. Peroxide and ammonia - a great tool to bleach hair and blurt them in constant use. Hair actually grow more slowly, provided the continuous application of this recipe.

Ash from the plants will eliminate the excess hair.

1. Burn the shell of a walnut and ash lubricate unwanted hair.

2. The plant poppy rheas-burn and ash, which is mixed with butter 1: 1 lubricate the unwanted hair.

Mint like female hormones, it helps to reduce unwanted vegetation.

Mint tea reduces male hormones and excess hair become less rigid and slow growing. Mint - female parent, since mint in men reduces sexual libido. 2 tablespoons Mint 0.5 liters. boiling water for 40 minutes. Drink 1/3 Art. 3 times a day for three months. Contraindications: severe hypotension.

Chestnut of superfluous hair.

Take 1 tbsp. brown skin conker, pour 2 tbsp. boiling water and put on a slow fire. Cook until the liquid has evaporated three-quarters to left 0.5 cups. Then strain, cool and lubricate the places where there are unwanted hair.

Sugar and citric acid from excess hair.

To remove excess hair: take 10 pieces of cube sugar and citric acid (a pinch), stir in 3 tablespoons. l. water and cook over medium heat until the mixture acquires a golden color; still warm to put it on unnecessary "whiskers" and quickly removed.

Remedy for facial hair.

Facial hair can not shave, cut and pull - this they begin to grow faster and become thicker. Regularly (1 per day) makes the following procedure: hair wetting solution "rivanola" 1: 1000. Hair gradually disappear.

Take unripe green grapes, squeeze the juice, wipe the skin every day.

Many of the proposed recipes are suitable for regular use. Some are lucky, and with their help they can get rid of unwanted body hair forever. Whatever it was, try worth it, because the elastic body is smooth without hair looks very sexy and just beautiful.


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