Contraceptive candles for a long period of time surely has quite a large niche in the chemical contraceptives. But if all you know he contraceptive candlelight?
Today, there are many tools for contraception, among which one can choose for themselves the best option. Included among such agents are the contraceptives separate class relating to chemical substances, in particular the contraceptive suppositories, tablets, tampons, creams, sponges.
Contraceptive suppositories may be divided further into several types depending on their composition. Some of them contained nonassignable, whereas on other is pandemonium chloride. These substances are responsible for the destruction of the sperm membrane, whereby its activity is reduced, and accordingly there is no fertilization. It is worth recalling that the use of contraceptives candles can not fully guarantee that pregnancy does not occur. Studies show that about 20% of women who use this method of contraception, unwanted pregnancy can occur. This can also lead and improper use of the drug or to comply with the terms of its storage. If you want to contraceptives candles operate effectively, it is essential to adhere to the instructions for use.
Contraceptive suppositories are acids and therefore should avoid contact with an alkaline medium. For example, the use of soap is a violation of this rule, and therefore reduces the effectiveness of contraceptives candles and can lead to unwanted pregnancies. For hygienic reasons, we recommend the use of a conventional hot water. Or should we pick up means having a ph-neutral level. Often manufacturers of contraceptives candles overstate the period of these drugs in order to attract more buyers. Focus on the fact that the average duration of contraceptive suppositories is about 40 minutes. In the case of repeated sexual contact, you will need to use another contraceptive candle. If you're sexually active, contraceptives candles can not provide a 100% guarantee of protection. But they can be a viable option for those who are contraindicated to use hormonal contraceptives and intrauterine devices.
Like any other means of chemical contraception contraceptives candles can be observed a twofold effect. Providing an antiseptic effect, they affect sperm in addition also to viral, bacterial pathogens, and thus can provide protection against a number of diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.
At the same time the contraceptive candles influence the natural flora of the vagina that prolonged and regular use of them can lead to dysbacteriosis vagina. Furthermore, the use of contraceptives suppositories may cause irritation of the vagina and even lead to allergic reactions, stinging. According to many contraceptive use candles denies sexual intercourse element of spontaneity. According to the instructions, such contraceptives should be administered over a period of time before intercourse, and this requires a certain discipline partners. If you use a vaginal therapy, or else you have inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area, do not use this method of contraception.
Among the positive side effect of synthetic lubricants, which have contraceptive candles, which is especially important for those who have problems with the natural lubrication. It is recommended their use and casual sex, but in this case must be combined with a condom contraceptive candles. The condom will take over most of the protection against unwanted pregnancy, and chemical contraceptive help protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases by. To summarize, it can be noted that contraceptive candles are ideal for rare sex. In this case, much depends on the correct observance of the instructions to the drug.
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