Relatively recently, the tabloids have exploded all over the world: Angelina Jolie underwent mastectomy! The actress has made this complex operation as prevention of breast cancer after she learned that the probability of occurrence of the disease she is 87%. Cancer Angelina's mother died, and now she will not die! She will live for the sake of his family, for the children ... You can have different attitudes to the choice of the actress, but, nevertheless, such a radical method is nothing but a secondary prevention of breast cancer. What you need to do in order not to resort to such methods of maintaining health?
The townsfolk have regretted Angelina Jolie: lost charms of their own accord, without even waiting for the onset of illness ... Why? Indeed, the development of cancer in our time can be prevented at an early stage. As the saying goes, and the disease to stay, and would have stayed with the breast. Psychologists see in the removal of healthy organs some violence on themselves, phobia, fear of death. Women have demonstrated that it is easier to get rid of the problem at all, than to observe basic prevention of breast cancer. With exactly the opposite received other women also experience fear of cancer. For them, rather better ignorance. They do not want to know anything, do tests and just avoid prevention. Meanwhile, it is basic things, compliance with which will save lives.

Blooming woman, beautiful and healthy, think about anything, but not on his own chest, "For this cause I have this miracle of nature, to be thought a man!" - She said, and this is true, but on one condition: if lady no more than 35 years. In 20-25 years with breast cancer - a rare case in which cases up to 30 years - one, and after 35 years the risk increases exponentially - every 5 years by almost half.
Before you overcome this age limit, think about the prevention of breast cancer.
Primary prevention - is the prevention of disease by influencing the risk factors that lead to the development of this pathology.
1. The most important risk factor - the change in the reproductive behavior of the modern woman. After giving birth to her only child, most women are in a hurry to go to work. A nature intended them to give birth and breastfeed several children. And endocrine systems, regardless of career plans work in the rhythm designed to ensure the fulfillment of this mission. Before a woman's life has been agreed with this rhythm: during the entire reproductive age she bore children to breastfeed, and fed for a long time, putting the baby to the breast up to 2-3 years, because breastfeeding reduces the likelihood of a new pregnancy (this is due to the fact that after birth in nursing mothers in the body fairly high levels of the hormone prolactin, and reduced production of gonadotropin. Because of what slows down the process of oocyte maturation). As a result, the mammary gland is constantly working. Required breastfeeding up to six months at least, but better - 9-10 months - just need the next step should be postponed on the career ladder for six months for health.
2. Try to avoid stressful situations. They "kill" the immune system. In humans, multiple forms each second mutant cells that can form malignant tumor. The immune system is constantly detects and destroys them. But the decline in immune function can lead to the fact that he can not cope with the alien cancer cells.
3. Never sunbathe topless in the summer! Sun will destroy you and your breast, which can not resist the burning rays as well as the skin of the feet or hands. Ultraviolet light penetrates the glandular tissue and stimulates the growth of existing tumors is still tiny. Therefore it is better to sunbathe in the scattered rays in the shade and always in a bathing suit.
4. Try to avoid mechanical injury to the breast at power sports or during heavy braking of the vehicle. Chest trauma can remind myself even a decade later.
5. Avoid the regular use of tight imparting a spectacular bust form, linen - contraction of blood circulation. Therefore, you should at least occasionally walk without a bra. Ladies with small breasts could ever do without it - they should wear a bra only during exercise.
6. Regularly have sex. If a woman feels the need for sex, but is not able to satisfy it, it is fraught with troubles: sex hormones "vengeance" on the breast.
7. Eat right. The cells of the female body is very sensitive to the action of free radicals that can trigger regeneration of healthy cells into cancer. To prevent this, turn in your diet green tea, which contains a lot of antioxidants. Every day, eat onions: it contains a lot of flavonoids, which destroy harmful radicals. They will destroy the carrots, which reduces the risk of developing cancer due to the content falkarinola, and blueberries, which contains natural antioxidant Pterostilbene. These agents destroy cancer cells. But the most reliable defenders of the female breast nutritionists believe cabbages and tomatoes. These two vegetables contain choline and lycopene, neutralizing free radicals.
8. Women after 35 years must undergo an annual mammogram - a necessary procedure that highlights breast cancer in its earliest stages. Mammography is usually performed by a physician, but it can be carried out and when mass prophylactic examinations. Radiation exposure at a much lower mammography, radiography for lung (approximately a few times). Regular performance study does not increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Mammography is contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding.
9. The self-- the surest way to prevent diseases of the breast. Nobody knows your breasts better than yourself. Identify the disease at an early stage can only joint efforts - and your doctors. It should be carried out on a monthly basis. If the doctor examines a woman for the first time, even he can not see that is able to detect the woman. With the city select the time during the week after menstruation - this time softer breasts. Best of all - while bathing. Lather hands, stand up straight and raised his right hand up, left hand palpate the right breast from the armpit to the solar plexus. Do the same with the left breast. Do not forget to also examine the armpits, the area over them and collarbones. If you find a seal, nodules, pain or nipple discharge, seek medical attention immediately!
For the self you should alert:
- Changing the shape of the breast;
- Tangible seals in the mammary gland;
- Flat, not rounded surface of the seal;
- Swelling in which the skin resembles a porous lemon rind;
- Changing the shape of the nipple (its retraction);
- The appearance of bloody discharge from the nipple;
- Constant discomfort in one breast;
- Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit on the appropriate side.
Psychologists believe that cancer comes from a dislike to him. Subjective opinion, but, in principle, right: after all how to love themselves not to avoid inspections, inspections elementary chest. Be attentive to yourself, and you will be fine.
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