Prohibited Foods During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, expectant mothers need to revise your diet, eliminating not only fast food or alcohol, but also some seemingly harmless products: for example, give up your favorite sushi or soft cheese ... Editorial made for you a list of forbidden foods during pregnancy and find out why the future can harm the baby or another delicacy.

What not to eat during pregnancy

     1. Tabasco

They can provoke swelling of hands, legs, or internal organs.

     2. Canned and preserved

Canned and preserved, including canned meat, soups, canned fruits, salted and pickled vegetables contain vinegar and preservatives that inhibit the synthesis of some proteins, which are the basic building blocks for the growing fetus.
Canned and smoked products are threatening botulism (heavy and very dangerous infectious-toxic diseases affecting the nervous system), agents that multiply if the seal is not complied with sterile conditions, besides preservatives affect the composition of the blood, can cause structural changes in the tissues.

     3. Sauces, soda

Ready-made sauces and sweet carbonated drinks rich except preservatives contain dyes, flavor enhancers, thickeners, sugar or salt in large quantities, the use of the future kid they bring. Preservatives and dyes violate the liver, kidneys and blood vessels, affect the composition of the blood, leading to placental insufficiency and deficiency of essential substances in the fetus.

     4.Fast-food, chips

Do not eat in sidewalk cafes, fast food restaurants, give up fast food and ready meals from the supermarket, no one knows how they were prepared, there is a risk that the food got bacteria or viruses, including E. coli.

     5. Margarine

Margarine contains trans fats that clog arteries, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease as a pregnant and have a child. By the way, there is a perception that the use of margarine lowers IQ future baby.

     6. By-products

Intestine during pregnancy especially sensitive in this regard, and to avoid poisoning allergies better refrain from meat offal, especially liver.

     7. Chocolate, coffee, black tea

Better to replace coffee drink chicory coffee may prevent the absorption of nutrients that do not fall to the fetus. Chocolate and coffee - a powerful stimulant that harm the development of the nervous system of the baby. Strong tea and coffee increase the pressure and tone, can cause uterine hypertonus and threatened miscarriage, so it's best to give up in favor of black tea green or herbal.


Sushi may contain dangerous parasites - tapeworms, penetrating into the body of a pregnant, eat substances necessary for the development of the fetus, can trigger preterm labor. Most restaurants prepare quality sushi from a pre-processed foods, but it is impossible to test, so it is not worth the risk. The ban does not apply to vegetarian sushi.

What can I eat during pregnancy, but with restrictions


If the last two months of pregnancy to limit salt intake, speed up metabolism, thus facilitating the birth process and reduce pain sensitivity. Sometimes doctors recommend at the end of pregnancy salt-free diet.

     2. Semi-meat and semifinished products

Meat is a source of protein the body needs, but should limit consumption of fatty lamb, pork. Meats contain harmful carcinogens, so you can have only well-cooked beef, chicken or turkey. With poorly roasted, half-baked or dried meat into the body can penetrate various viruses or parasites.

     3. Sugar, sweets and pastries

Excess sweet and starchy foods leads to a "fattening" and the birth of a very large baby (4 kg or more). Glucose in sufficient quantity enters the body of the fruit and dried fruit, and ice cream, cakes, pies, muffins, cakes, candies, jellies contain a minimum and a maximum of vitamins carbohydrates, and therefore immediately lead to weight gain. Remember that most sweets contain dyes, disintegrating agents and stabilizers, which adversely affects the liver and other organs of the unborn child.

     4. Alcohol, water from the tap

You can not drink water from the tap, its composition is unknown and threatens of infection.
Alcoholic beverages, especially in early pregnancy, threatening abnormalities in the development of the child, abortion, adversely affect the kidneys, which during pregnancy is already overloaded.
Brew large quantities causes bloating and fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract is converted to alcohol.

     5. Fish and Seafood

Fish and seafood are rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for the heart and brain of the future child, but contain phosphorus, mercury and various metals, which in large quantities can harm the fetus. No more than 350 grams of fish (catfish, pollock, salmon, tuna), do not have a phosphorus containing mackerel, swordfish, shark, mercury-containing sturgeon, tuna, flounder. Seafood, such as shrimps, roe and resolved in small amounts, if prior to pregnancy had no allergies.

     6. Raw milk, soft cheeses

Milk is rich in calcium, but in its raw form is prohibited. All dairy products should be subjected to a heat treatment of cottage cheese is better to give, not to provoke an intestinal infection. Soft cheeses made from unpasteurized milk may contain pathogens Listerine, destructive to the body of the baby. Banned blue cheese, brie, feta, goat cheese, Roquefort. If you eat a cooked meal in the restaurant or cafe, ask whether it contains and what kind of cheese. Acceptable solid varieties such as cheddar.

     7. Eggs

Banned raw eggs and cooked dishes of them, you can not taste raw dough, licking the spoon when cooking omelets, have homemade ice cream, cakes,  and some sauce, they may be the salmonella bacteria that cause vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration, and a weakened immunity risk of infection during pregnancy increases 20 times. You can only have hard-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs and fried - no yolk.

     8. Exotic fruits, honey, nuts, mushrooms

Mango, pineapple, tangerines, oranges, honey and nuts can cause allergic diathesis in pregnant and the baby after birth. Better to eat vegetables and fruits grown in your area and choose carefully the benefits - low quality often contain chemicals and transport are treated with wax. Be sure to pour over boiling water fruits or vegetables before eating poorly washed fruits can cause toxoplasmosis or bot. Watermelons, melons and mushrooms accumulate in itself harmful substances from the soil and threaten poisoning. Unripe papaya fruit are poisonous grapes can lead to excessive weight gain child. Avoid pineapple and juice from them, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, they contribute to the removal of fluid from the body and stimulate contractions of the uterus, can lead to miscarriage.


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