Firstly, we will not entertain any illusions. Quickly return form that you had before the birth without harming your health with a child is not possible. Pregnancy nevertheless proceeded 9 months and why recovery should go immediately? Nursing mother is undesirable to lose weight dramatically. Therefore, during the active feeding cost more attention to not to lose weight, but how not to gain extra pounds.
So, where do they still come from?
In a set of weight after birth for several reasons. Primarily slowing metabolism of the hormones. Prolactin - a hormone primarily responsible for the production of breast milk, as well as contributes to the accumulation of fat, especially in the hips. Another reason - psychological.
Famous postpartum depression makes itself felt. Especially after the birth of their first child looks radically changing. It seems that freedom of action and pleasure are no more and will not be until the child will not grow. Young mother is forced to change the usual circle of friends and do a particularly once ... Then a hand appears and an irresistible urge to eat something sweet.
Food and milk
First we need to conduct an audit in foods that you eat. Medical examinations, it was found that a small child in a day should be an average of 8 feedings, and if after the close of each load, ostensibly to generate the next portion of the milk, and recruited about 4,000 kcal. And still need to train for breakfast, lunch and dinner! It has long been proven medicine that does not depend on the amount of milk consumed calories. Primarily dependent on the milk production of the hormone prolactin, and most of the hormone produced during sleep. Therefore it is best to a nursing mother - a dream.
A nursing mother should weigh no more than 5 kg than before pregnancy. And if in the feeding period not watch your diet, the problems with the forms do not descend on their own, as it should be really.
Breast diet
So the main condition to support myself in shape - do not overeat, and diet and fasting days, it is desirable to postpone the period after breastfeeding. Terms of supply are almost the same as in normal healthy diet. Namely, more vegetables, fruits, whole-grain bread and cereals. Sweets, cakes, fats, meats, it is desirable to reduce as much as possible. Drink the best pure water, tea, decoction of herbs and dried fruits, homemade compotes. And finally, of course young mother like no other needs proteins, ie, need to consume meat, fish and dairy products.
Techniques for weight loss
Many of the women involved in fitness before childbirth and after trying them as soon as possible to return to employment. But it is strictly forbidden to doctors. The only thing you can do is first 1,5-2 months . And if we instead use-chair sling, the process of strengthening the muscles and weight loss begins much earlier.
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