What should be done before the New Year

Before the New Year remains very little, and soon we will raise their glasses under the chiming clock. This means that we have little time to perform all scheduled and meet the Year of the Horse fully prepared. We present to you the top 10 cases, according to the healthidia.com, which must be done before the New Year.

1. Make peace with everyone
with whom are at loggerheads. Apologize to those who have wronged you, and forgive their abusers. There is no need in the new year bear old grudges.
2. Lose weight. Elegant figure - for the New Year ... Better motivation can not be! So it's time to pull myself together and go on a diet to a new life began in a dress size smaller.
3. Throw out all the unnecessary clothes. Surely you have accumulated a lot of things that you have not wear, but somehow do not dare throw. Do it - now is the right time for this! And if it is a pity to throw away, give it to those who need them.
4. Make a general cleaning and decorate the house for the holiday. Cleaning can start doing right now. Gradually dismantle the cabinets, wash the windows, wash the curtains, in the end before the holiday you will only have to wipe dust, decorate the house and decorate the Christmas tree.(Non Muslim)
5. Buy Christmas gifts. It is better to take care of them in advance, because in stores before the holidays are often raised prices. And why pay more if you can avoid it? Moreover, if you buy gifts at the last minute, it is likely to lose a lot of time in queues.
6. Create New Year's menu. Make it in advance, then you will have the opportunity to buy some food and alcohol in advance, and even save your time and money.
7. Give all the debts and pay all the bills. As the national sign, New Year must meet debt-free, so be careful with that, to pay all the bills and fines and back what once occupied.
8. Take care of the pension. Yes, it is up to 1 January 2014 should apply a suitable company you manage to translate funded pension that she was 6%, rather than 0%.
9. Use the New Year bank shares and the sales. At the end of the year in the shop windows traditionally appear attractive banners "Sale! Discounts! "So why not take advantage of them? The same applies to the banks: to attract customers, they go to various tricks, so in the last week of the year, you can count on higher interest rates on deposits, benefits and nice gifts.
10. Write a letter to Santa Claus. Tell him that the good you have done in the past year, have achieved, and then ask him what the dream. And do not think that this activity is only for children, because in the New Year is always a place holiday miracle!

Sourced By: Healthidia


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