How to iron a jacket
How to iron a jacket ? That jacket without folds can create a positive impression of its owner. In the dry cleaners use professional equipment for ironing, without prejudice to the material. Steam iron will help you achieve the same results at home, but if you do it wrong, it can cause irreparable damage to things. Placing barriers, such as a wet cloth between the iron and protects hair fiber from direct heat sources. Furthermore, the combination of these actions will cause your clothing looks ideal.

Check the label inside the jacket, which describes the suit material. Set the iron to be used with the material, and connect. Wait until the iron heat up enough.

Put the jacket on the inner side of the ironing board. Moisten a cotton or linen cloth, using a spray bottle of water. Place the fabric on the back of his jacket. Lifting movement begins to stroke the bottom up, using the steam. Avoid contact with the iron on the fabric of his jacket.

Put the first sleeve lengthwise along the ironing board. Use the narrow tip of the ironing board for support. Iron the sleeve straight arm.

Put a damp cloth on the other hand cuff or shoulder seam. Again, use a cloth as a barrier between the jacket and trouser press, gradually ironed downwards along the entire length of the sleeve. Repeat the procedure for both sleeves.

Check the fabric, so that it remains moist. If necessary, use it again.

After you finish one side of the jacket, turn it over and stroke the other side.


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