Facial Skin Care in the cold

Wind and cold - not the best friends of the face, because of them it dries, flakes or treacherously shines when we go to the streets in a warm room. That is why the cold facial skin requires special care: a properly fitted funds will help protect it from the weather and keep fresh, smooth and healthy.

Day and night skin care in cold
The skin on your face soft and delicate, almost devoid of fat, so when choosing a cream keep in mind that during the cold season the normal skin becomes dry, and oily - sensitive.

  • Moisturizers make better use of the evening before bedtime, otherwise the cold micro crystals liquid will freeze and injure the skin.
  • In the afternoon, choose nutritious and protective equipment with a dense texture, light emulsions and gels are better left for spring and summer.
  • The lower the mercury drops, especially fat cream should be chosen, but it is important not to over, or excess fat in the room will lead to pore plugging.
  • Barrier creams contain a minimum of water, but even in the most dense cream for at least 25%, so it should be applied in advance, and not before going out to have time to soak in.

For oily and combination skin in the cold should not choose desiccate matting creams. Evening alcoholic tonic recommended to use only up to 45 years, with age the skin sparing suitable means without alcohol. Scrubs use no more than 1 time in 7-10 days. The usual night cream, you can not change, but further bedtime once a week is useful to do moisturizing mask.

For normal skin in the cold preferably thick nourishing creams, do not use mousse and emulsions. Soothe the skin in the evening will help warm compresses of chamomile decoction. 4 times a month to 35 years old and about 6 times after 35 you can do moisturizing mask to prevent dehydration.

Skin dry type more than others vulnerable to cold weather, because it suffers from a lack of moisture, even in summer weather. To help her survive the wind and weather, 2-3 times a week to do moisturizing mask, tonics for removing makeup should be replaced by a soft enveloping jelly and correctly choose sparing foam or gel cleanser for your skin type. For night care suitable intensively moisturizing creams and means for dehydrated skin.

How to avoid dehydration of the skin
In cool weather due to permanent residence near a heating duct, even on oily or combination skin may appear peeling, feeling of tightness or itching. If we neglect moisture, the skin will age much faster.

  • To avoid total dehydration during the day drink plenty of water, preferably mineral, green tea and even more coffee contribute to the removal of fluid, not to mention alcohol, which violates the fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.
  • If you are in a strongly overheated room, from time to time to spray the face thermal water.
  • Humidifier partly help solve the problem in the room - at home or at work.
  • Hot water dries the skin, Wash with cool, but not ice-cold water, but please refrain from hardening to a warmer time of year, as well as by rubbing the skin with ice cubes.

How to properly clean the skin in the cold

  • It is not necessary to clean the skin during the cold season spirituous tonics, use antibacterial gels and foams - they desiccate the skin. In an extreme case, to choose the means, where no more than 30% alcohol. Use a milky lotion or cream for removing makeup, lotions based on thermal water. You can use an infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort, a succession or sage.
  • You should not get involved too cleansing, forgiving enough to use cosmetics for washing 2 times a day - morning and evening, once again not to traumatize the skin.

How to get rid of flaky skin in the cold
Due to stress and dehydration in cold weather or scaly skin coarsens, and new cells are formed more slowly. Stimulate the epidermis, to get rid of keratinized particles without damaging the deeper layers, help or gentle exfoliation fruit peeling and cleansing mask gels. Rough scrubs with small solid particles can cause irritation. Excessive exfoliation face dehydration, do not scrub more than once every 7-10 days.

How to choose cosmetics in the cold
In cold weather, better to replace a compact or loose powder on a foundation or powder-Mousse - creamy texture is better absorbed, besides these funds often contain nutrients. Under the base for about 30-40 minutes before going outside is recommended to apply a cream or other protective equipment.

How to care for lips in the cold

  • The delicate skin of the lips in the first place suffers from drying out in the cold to the frozen particles of water do not injure the epidermis, use bold lipstick with vitamin E. Try to unlearn the habit of licking his lips in the cold, so as not to "eat" the protective fatty film.
  • Morning useful exfoliate skin cells, making the massage soft soaked in boiled water with a toothbrush.
  • Note that when using toothpaste with fluoride strongly dry lips. Do not forget to put on lip balm or a special nourishing cream.
  • If there were cracks on the lips, make the night a mask of honey, mix it with olive oil, and temporarily refrain from applying makeup, replacing the usual hygienic lipstick on.

What should I do if the skin is weathered
With low humidity dries the skin, body fat in it is reduced, resulting in at chapping may appear inflamed. To get rid of it, it should be at least three times a day to moisturize sore fate.

  • Old folk method - spread the cheeks or nose with Vaseline, however, today you can pick up special sedatives, which produce many cosmetic brand. They should have enough fat, hypoallergenic, alcohol-free flavors.
  • Can be applied to the skin weathered baby cream or almond oil, cover the face soaked in hot water with a napkin and leave a compress for 10-15 minutes, then rinse, as well as over the counter Glycerine with hyaluronic acid or hydro-cortisone 1% ointment, which are suitable for further moisturize the skin.
  • Also to soothe chapped skin suit special mask: Take 1 tsp. Chamomile flowers, linden, rose-hips and peppermint, mix, chop, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain, spread a thin layer of slurry between two layers of gauze, apply a compress on the face for 20 minutes, wash with warm water and apply a nourishing cream fat.


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