The problem is not as common, so we know little about it. Of course, many people sweat in the gym, or before an important speech. But this does not lead to chronic heavy sweating. Quite different feels the man who constantly sweats profusely in the underarms, palms, feet. From sweat not only white spots appear on the clothes, but also raises a lot of oppressive circumstances: inconvenient to raise their hands, take off your jacket, shaking hands. Due to limitations in everyday life and at work developing the psycho-emotional stress and neuroses.

Small defender of big problems

 In this case, a small bottle of Dry Dry 35ml - effective solution. It is high enough concentration of active substance, but with the incoming components are balanced so as not to cause skin irritation. The tool similar in composition Dry Dry for more than 35 years has been actively used in Europe, it has successfully passed multiple clinical trials. TM Dry Dry first appeared on the Russian market in 2006, made in Sweden. In Russia, research Dry Dry 35 ml of the product were carried out at the Kazan State Medical Academy. It was proved that 35 ml Dry Dry capable of maintaining its effect to 7 days after a single use. The duration of the effect is inversely proportional to individual and perspiration rate.

DRY DRY and allergy
Studies have shown that Dry Dry does not cause any allergic reactions and does not lead to irritation in compliance with the instructions for use. Clinical trials have shown the good tolerability. There are no contraindications to the use of Dry Dry is not revealed. Limitation of use only for pregnant women and children, as a manufacturer warns in the instructions.

Manufacturers of funds from TM Dry Dry sweat expect all concentrations of the active ingredients on the basis of the latest scientific developments: on the one hand - it is necessary to maximize the availability of the application; c the other hand - it is important not to underestimate the concentration of the active substance to the lowest in favor of "soft" money. In addition to active substances acting, Dry Dry contain emollients in its composition. Therefore there is no need to purchase and apply additional moisturizing cosmetics.


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