The long-awaited vacation is sure to benefit your body. But he can turn an ordeal for hair that from the sun and salt water quickly fade, dry out and begin to "split". That's why when they return home offers procedures to restore damaged hair. Let's see how to properly care for them.
The main problem with hair that arise after the holiday
1. Brittle hair, split ends
While you sunbathe, your hair dry and become brittle. Ultraviolet rays change their structure, destroying the protective sheath, resulting in tight to each other scales begin to flake off, and tips "whipped".
What to do
- Restore water-base balance and return the hair a natural look will help agents based on glycerin, sorbitol, and polysaccharides.
It is worth to go to the hairdresser to s ostrich damaged ends.
- You can make Bio hair in a beauty salon, to protect them from further damaging UV rays and accelerate natural regeneration. To fill the voids in the structure of the damaged hair, it is applied at a high temperature, the active components - and vegetable protein extracts.
- Try to eat more protein, such as chicken or turkey, fish, which is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, and eggs in any form - they also contain useful hair vitamin B12.
Folk remedies against split ends and brittle hair
- Mask based on eggs. Whisk 1 egg, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sea buck thorn oil and 1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar, rub into the roots of the hair after 20 minutes rinse.
- Against split ends: 1 tbsp. dandelions and spoon 2 tablespoons. tablespoons peppermint pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, use as a balm-conditioner.
- For dried hair: once a week to do a mask of a half cup of oatmeal and 100 ml of beer. In the swollen rump, add 4 tbsp. l. yogurt, mix, rub into the roots, wrap head with a towel, and after 20 minutes rinse hair.
2. dull and faded hair
Due to the constant contact with salt water from the hair pulls moisture and protein are destroyed ligaments, and no matter how carefully you may wash your head after a bath, hair still lose their luster and look dull.
What to do
"Refresh" the hair color will help agents based on castor oil, amino acids and keratin.
- If you dye your hair, it is better to postpone the procedure for a couple of weeks, and for much of burned hair - 2 months, because the chemical components contained in paints, further weakened hair.
- Useful life colorless or tinted red henna, which affects the structure of the hair, making them more durable and thick.
- Eat dairy products, carrots, spinach and broccoli. Milk, yogurt and cheese provide calcium, which helps to regenerate hair. Carrots contain vitamin A and will make your hair softer, smooth and shiny. Spinach and broccoli are rich in vitamins A and C, which normalizes the sebaceous glands and make hair healthy and resilient.
Folk remedies to restore shine
- After shampooing, rinse with warm head first, and then cool water to give your hair shine. There may be popular recipe to replace the water decoction of green tea, nettle and sage (1: 1: 1).
- For light hair 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, mix with 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice and 1 egg yolk, apply on hair, half an hour rinse with warm water.
- For dark hair brew coffee with boiling water (1: 1), add 3 beaten egg white, put on half an hour, rinse with water and shampoo.
3. Dandruff
In the summer of dust particles deposited on the hair, the heat is rapidly degraded, and rather dirty hair. Frequent shampooing even the most gentle shampoo for daily use dry skin that begins to peel off, and whitish particles are deposited on the hair or clothing.
What to do
- 2 weeks change the usual shampoo and conditioner, for example, on the line to dry hair, strengthening and nourishing.
- It is useful to use the funds on the basis of an extract of basil or vegetable oils (sesame, almond, coconut, jojoba).
- Eat seafood, especially oysters are useful to help normalize the sebaceous glands due to high content of zinc.
Folk remedies for dandruff
- You can make a mask by mixing egg with kefir or yogurt (1: 1), to the hair for 10 minutes, wrap head with a towel, then rinse hair with warm water.
- 4 tbsp. spoon nettle pour boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes, strain, add half a cup of cream, crumble 2 slices of rye bread, apply a restoring mask for 10 minutes, half an hour rinse with warm water and shampoo.
- 100 g of fresh burdock root pour a glass of olive oil, let it brew for 24 hours, followed by 15 minutes cook over low heat, cool, strain, apply nutritional composition to the hair, wrap head with a towel, and after 2 hours, rinse with warm water.
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