Diet for lazy Features water diet

How many women dream to lose weight, but most of them, starting a diet, face challenges that hinder achieve the desired goal. This can be inconvenient work schedule that does not allow to follow all the rules of diet, sophisticated menu, small portions or unwillingness to change your diet. Especially for those who are very busy and do not want to give up your favorite food and diet invented for the lazy. What is so special as it is called, the water diet?

Essence of the diet for the lazy

Diet is incredibly easy for the lazy. It has only two rules that must be followed strictly:

  • Before each meal (15-20 minutes before a meal) you need to drink 2 cups of water at room temperature. No more and no less. Exactly two.
  • In the process of the food and for 2 hours after ingestion can not be generally any liquid drink. After this time, you can drink a cup of tea or coffee, but without the "something for tea" in the form of cakes and cookies, as it will be a full meal (and by rule number 1 before a meal to drink two glasses of water).

If you follow all the rules for lazy diet, it allows, without changing their eating habits and eating schedules, lose 8 to 12 pounds in 14 days. Good results, right?
How does diet for lazy
The mechanism of the water diet is very simple: drunk before eating 2 cups of water fill the stomach, causing 15-20 minutes you are not experiencing acute hunger, so eat less than usual. In addition, nutritionists have proven that drunk before eating water speeds up your metabolism, so the body adipose tissue is burned faster. And most importantly: water - this is the only product in the world with a zero-calorie, which means that when using it you do not get the extra calories that are contained in coffee with sugar and cream and tea with honey.
Sample menu diet for lazy

  1. Breakfast. 15-20 minutes before a meal drink two glasses of water. Breakfast that I enjoy, but do not wash down the food, and drink for 2 hours.
  2. Dinner. 15-20 minutes before a meal drink two glasses of water. Dine without limiting their menu does, but not wash down the food, and do not drink the liquid for 2 hours in the afternoon.
  3. Afternoon tea. 15-20 minutes before a meal to drink 2 glasses of water, but if you want to eat a sandwich or just eat some fruit, can be limited to one glass of water.
  4. Dinner. 15-20 minutes drink 2 cups of water (for dinner allowed to drink one glass if food intake is not too tight). Dine what you want, but do not wash down the food during and for 2 hours after prima food.

How to improve the diet for lazy
To increase the effectiveness of diet can prepare for it:

  • A few days before starting the diet spend detox cleansing the body of toxins. You can do it even at home.
  • One day before the start of the diet conduct discharge day.
  • Drinking water should be slowly, in small sips, eating at one time more than two glasses of fluid is contraindicated.
  • Although diet is not intended to be limited in the diet, you will achieve the best results, at least if the refuse from starchy foods and sweets, and ideally - and from smoked and semi-finished products.

Benefits of the diet for the lazy

Besides getting rid of extra pounds for lazy diet helps to improve the skin condition, the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and get rid of fatigue.
Disadvantages diet for lazy

  • Diet for lazy can not exceed 2 (maximum 3) consecutive weeks, otherwise it can harm the body in the form of edema, high blood pressure, as well as an excessive burden on the kidneys and the bladder.
  • Another disadvantage of this diet - leaching from the body large amounts of nutrients, especially calcium and sodium. Therefore, during the water diet is recommended to take mineral and vitamin complexes.

Reviews of diet for lazy

Veronica: "I ​​decided for fun to try this diet. And that's what I tell you is a very useful thing, even for those who do not need to lose weight! Doctors recommend drinking 2 liters of water a day, and this diet helps you through this. 2 weeks I lost weight by 7.5 kg, however, still a little restricted his diet, not eating sweets in the afternoon and had dinner no later than eight o'clock. At the same time trying not to overeat. Overall, highly recommend! "

Anastasia: "That's for sure - a diet for the lazy! Only necessary that comply with two rules - and eat what you want! I'm sitting here on this diet (10 days later), nothing yourself, your favorite, do not limit, and is already on thin 5 kg! "

Rozeena: "For me, this diet - the best! I - a sweet tooth without chocolate can not. True, the process of losing weight on it is not as fast as promised, but stable 3 pounds per week is reset and the result lasts a long time. "

Natalia: "Diet is decent. But I began to swell badly. And the girlfriend doctor told me that those who suffer from edema and kidney problems, it is better to refrain from this diet, because not all kidneys are not able to bring a quantity of liquid. "


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